Am I A Candidate
Am I A Candidate
Take the first steps in assessing yourself. Work through our checklist to see if you qualify.
Assess Yourself
The first step in making a decision to have gastric band surgery is to assess yourself by checking your BMI. Just do one simple assessment here to give you an indication of whether you qualify for surgery. If you qualify or require further information please contact us and we can arrange to put you in touch with a surgeon in your area.
Weight loss surgery can be an effective option for those who are morbidly obese and have not lost significant amounts of weight through traditional methods such as diet and exercise.
It can be a life-saving, and life-changing, procedure that saves you from the many conditions and health-risks morbid obesity can cause, as well as help you attain a slimmer physique and an improved self-esteem.
However, weight loss surgery is not for everyone, and there are specific candidacy requirements that one must meet in order to qualify for obesity surgery. The following information can help you determine if you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery.
Weight Loss Surgery Candidates
A doctor recommended by Bariatric Medicine Integrated can meet with you in a consultation to discuss your candidacy and the weight loss surgery procedure.
Here is a listing of some of the requirements for surgical weight loss procedures to combat morbid obesity:
* Patients should be between the ages of 18 and 65.
* Patient should be free from dependence on drugs or alcohol.
* Patients should have a body mass index of 40 or higher for a period of longer than 5 years.
* Patients with a body mass index of 30-39.9 and who suffer from comorbidities (medical conditions brought on by morbid obesity, such as type-2 diabetes, acid reflux disease, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, sleep apnea, cancer, fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, and others).
* Patients should be physically, emotionally, and psychologically able to undergo surgery and the lifestyle changes necessary for effective results.
* Patients should have made previous attempts at losing weight through more traditional means.
* Patients should have realistic expectations and goals for results.
Check your BMI and waist measurement as an initial guideline for your qualification for surgery or contact us by completing the form below.